Learning how to write graffiti letters can be difficult, especially as you need a medium to do so. Graffiti writing is as much as an art as it is a skill, but by practicing graffiti you can make some truly beautiful murals.
While graffiti can be problematic, there is no doubt that some graffiti is better than others. It is up to you how and where you use graffiti but if you want to learn how to do graffiti letters, here is your guide to graffiti writing.
Whether you just want to learn how to write your name using graffiti letters or anything a bit more sophisticated, you will need to learn some technique before you can do so successfully.
Before you can graffiti, you will need to learn letter structure in depth. If you cannot get the letter rights, you will not be able to graffiti as it should.
Grab your favorite pencil and plenty of paper and get ready to learn how to do Graffiti letters.
What Is The Letter Structure Of Graffiti?
Letter structure is not as complicated as it may first sound. If you look closely at letters on a keyboard or any printout, you will notice that all letters are in essence made out from a number of lines. For example, the letter Y is made up of three lines, H is also made up of three lines, but T is made up of only two, etc. This is the first thing that you need to learn if you want to develop a good Graffiti technique.
If you break out every letter in the number of lines it is made up from, you should be able to begin developing your graffiti technique.
Many people decorate their homes with designer graffiti, even though most of them would probably have real graffiti scoured off the walls of their buildings. – Brad Holland
It is always a good idea to focus on just one letter at a time. So, take your name’s initial or another letter that you are likely to want to write a lot. Write the letter in its capital form first, paying attention to the number of lines the letter in question is made up from. The next step would be to separate each of the lines that made up the letter ever so slightly. Play close attention to each of the angles (if any) and how many degrees they are between the different lines. What you would be doing then is effectively deconstructing the letter, taking it all apart so you can put it back together in Graffiti form.
It is a rather simple concept, so simple in fact that some people may be inclined to skip it. But do not make that mistake if you want to develop a solid technique. If you skip this key first step, you will be adding a lot of extra time to fully developed a Graffiti technique. So, do not consider all this work as a waste of time. Trust me it will save you a lot of precious time in the long run.
Graffiti Writing Style
A keyword we have not mentioned yet is style. But we cannot overemphasize the importance of having your very own personal style when it comes to Graffiti.
So, why have we not mentioned style until now? Well, because style is something that needs to be developed overnight. Rather, it is something that you need to develop over time.
It is always a good idea to leave any stylistic considerations until you have developed a precise eye for letter structure. Before you start thinking of what you want your style to be, you would need to become acquainted with the line structure for every letter that you want to use.
In fact, style is not something that you need to think about, necessarily. It is not something that you developed having thought a lot about it. More often than not, style is something that comes together after a lot of work.
Graffiti style is not something that you should ever try to cut corners on.
And, whatever you do, do not try to be pretentious. It is always a good idea to keep things simple and taking things one step at the time.
Once you have become acquainted with the letter structures, then you will need to work on different variations of rendering your letters. This will take both plenty of practice and experimentation. If you focus on each of the lines at the time, making them as interesting and stylized as possible by experimenting with their curves or the lengths of their bars, their angles, etc. But keep it simple and do not overcomplicate what you are doing.
Obviously, the more you practice, the more you will learn about what works and what does not but also the more experimental and sophisticated you will be able to get. At this stage, do not be afraid to experiment and even try things that might be slightly (or, even, outrageously) over the top. If something comes out too over the top, just scrap it and start again until you find what you think works for you.
Style and what works cannot be taught because every Graffiti artist needs to be developed his or her own style and not imitate other artists. The point of this article is to help you get on the right track so that you can develop your very own style. This is something that you need to accomplish by yourself and nobody can really help you with it. But if you follow our suggestions and are prepared to invest a lot of time in practicing and developing your technique, you will soon develop your own technique to writing unique letters.