Hydrogen can be easily produced through water electrolysis (2H2O → 2H2 + O2), a process that makes use of electricity to break the bonds between constituent elements… Read more
Meiosis is the process which creates sex cells, or gametes. During the process of meiosis, chromosomes are divided by half in order to create haploid… Read more
What are the anatomical planes of the body? The anatomical planes of the body are directional terms used by anatomists to help facilitate the discussion… Read more
Ammonia, chemical formula NH3, is a colorless gas frequently used in the production of fertilizer, as a cleaning chemical, and in the creation of nitrogenous… Read more
The acetabulofemoral joint, commonly called the hip joint, scientifically termed is located in between the pelvis and the femur of the legs. The hip is… Read more
If you are looking for a spice to substitute for paprika, there are a few different options you can use. Substitutes for paprika include chili powder,… Read more
Earthworms are tube-shaped segmented organisms that fall under the phylum Annelida. Contrary to popular perception, earthworms are not insects or arthropods—they are animals. Earthworms have a widely varied diet… Read more