Investigating Shear Margins And Temperate Ice In The Antarctic Ice Sheet

Ice streams and outlet glaciers are relatively fast-flowing regions of ice that are adjacent to nearly stagnant ice or mountains. These ice streams are visible…
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Ice streams and outlet glaciers are relatively fast-flowing regions of ice that are adjacent to nearly stagnant ice or mountains. These ice streams are visible…
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Dams have expanded rapidly in the world. People focus on issues ranging from irrigation, hydroelectric power, water resource allocation, and ecological restoration and believe it…
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Arachis diogoi, a wild diploid species related to the cultivated peanut, is resistant to the late leaf spot pathogen Phaeoisariopsis personata, which is one of…
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Everyone knows someone who has had their tonsils taken out at some point in their lives. In some families, it is practically a rite of…
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Can one access properties of human cells in vivo? Imaging deeply inside human bodies is possible with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but its spatial resolution…
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Cassini Mission scientists were thrilled when they got permission for a “sneak peek” at Saturn’s mysterious moon Iapetus on New Year’s Day 2005. Soon after…
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THE QUESTION Biodiversity – the richness of species found at a given location – is critical to maintaining ecological processes and the benefits provided to…
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The natural environment delivers many goods and services that human beings cannot manage without. Health, energy, and safety are just a few of the basic…
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Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are the two main types of an autoimmune disease called Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Since the beginning of…
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THE QUESTION When we think about a tropical site, what commonly comes in mind is heat, rainforests, beaches, and colorful reefs. The tropics are the…
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The last deglaciation period (∼18–10 kyr BP) presents a transition from the last glacial stage to warm interglacial, accompanied by an increase in global temperature,…
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