How to write a cursive t? Writing cursive letters is not as difficult as it may seem. Although mastering this kind of writing takes a lot of practice, it is something that you can teach yourself.
“In all the ways we express ourselves nonverbally, none is quite so personal as our handwriting.” — Betty Edwards
If you want to learn how to write a cursive t you have come to the right place. In this article, we will not only teach you how to master that letter both in its lowercase and its uppercase formats, but we will also give you some great tips to improve your cursive writing more generally.
If you are ready to begin, read on! You will soon be mastering the letter t, and others!
Why Cursive?
It is true that cursive writing is not a skill many people have these days. Cursive writing is a skill that was taught in US colleges for many decades but in more recent years both the number of courses teaching penmanship and the number of colleges that offer those courses have seriously declined.
But cursive writing is still used in many contexts. In fact, because not that many people master penmanship anymore that the skill is more sought after than ever. The good news is that you do not need to attend a writing course in college to improve your penmanship or to learn how to write cursive letters. With the right guidance and a fair amount of practice, you will master this art form.
How to Improve Your Penmanship
The only way to learn (or improve) your cursive writing is by working your way down the alphabet as many times as necessary. But that is not enough. You might need to change some of your writing habits first. The good news is that there are very simple things that you can do that would have a positive aspect of your penmanship.
The first place to begin is your posture. People do their writing in all kinds of places and not often with good enough posture. And while that may be okay for some short pieces of writing that are casual in nature, you cannot expect to improve your penmanship like that.
“Pensmanship means a lot to me. I don’t have cursive penmanship, though. I’ve created my own penmanship. It’s very clear. Everyone can read it. I write things down all day long.” — Action Bronson
If you want to write beautifully, you need to sit on a chair at a desk. Yes, it is as simple as that. After all, writing is what desks were invented for. But how would you know if you are sitting down correctly? Comfort is actually the best sign to ascertain if you are sitting correctly. So, the first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you are sitting comfortably.
Then, make sure that you are at the right height. What that means is that your things should be just a few inches below your thighs. Sit with your back straight on the chair, relax your shoulders, and ensure that both your feet are flat on the floor. If you find yourself straining or crouching down in order to write, then do revise your posture because you are surely not sitting properly, and you would get uncomfortable easily.
Your writing tool is also hugely important. If you want to improve your penmanship (whether to write in cursive or in any other style), you are recommended to get one of the following kinds of a pen: an ink pen with a felt tip or a gel pen. But whatever kind of pen you end up choosing, make sure that they use dark ink (this can be either black or blue, as you prefer). The main thing is that you make it as easy for you to see the ink on the page. Alternatively, you can choose to write with a pencil. If so, you should get a B pencil, preferably one that has a triangular barrel.
Now that you have your posture and your tool ready, the last thing to consider is the kind of paper you choose to write on. You are free to choose pretty much any kind of paper you like but just as long as it is lined. The paper must have dotted lines. The best places to find that kind of paper are stores where they sell school supplies, either physical or online. Plain paper can also sometimes do the trick, but they make writing letters the same size more challenging.
Once you get the writing kind of paper make sure that you place it on your desk at an angle. If you are right-handed, make sure that you move the top right to the piece of paper to the right, and if you are left-handed, just do the opposite. You can move the paper with your spare hand, as you write to make it easier for you to write t and other letters. Just remember that cursive t and all other cursive letters should slant to the right by, approximately 35 degrees.
Perfect to a T
If you want your cursive t’s to be perfect, you will need to practice daily. Get plenty of paper and be prepared to practice daily for about 20 minutes.
You begin the lowercase t with an upward stroke all the way up to the top line, then go down curling slightly to the right when you reach the bottom line. Finally, cross the t using the dotted line.
“Handwriting is more connected to the movement of the heart.” — Natalie Goldberg
For the uppercase t, make a similar upward stroke again all the way to the top line and the trace to the left making a pronounced curve until you reach the dotted lines. And that is all because capital T is crossed at the top.
Practice letters individually first, and when you have your letters consistently the way you like them, then move on to sentences. It does not really matter what you write. You can transcribe anything you read or here. Just as long as you practice consistently. Of course, you should also be free to write anything you like but you should not write letters or cards using cursive until you are satisfied with the results of your practicing sheets.