Genome-Wide Association Studies For Coronary Artery Disease Risk

Human disease can be loosely categorized into two broad categories, monogenic and polygenic diseases. The word monogenic means mutating a single gene is sufficient to…
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Human disease can be loosely categorized into two broad categories, monogenic and polygenic diseases. The word monogenic means mutating a single gene is sufficient to…
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Transplantation is in some regards the “end of the line” therapy in medical care as transplantation specialists step in to replace entire organs after other…
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Alcohol-induced liver disease is a progressive disease, starting from liver steatosis, which then progresses to liver fibrosis or even cirrhosis and liver cancer. It is…
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The use of live attenuated vaccine gdhA derivative Pasteurella multocida B:2 that can be administered intranasally is an alternative way to protect cattle and buffaloes…
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Across the human genome, there are a few million base pairs that differentiate one person from another. Though these differences account for only 0.1% of…
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During the development of an organism, all the different tissues take their shape and grow. Ultimately, they all together form a functional adult. The big…
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Treatment responses in (small) children are difficult to assess since descriptions of symptoms and symptom changes are not easily available without the use of language,…
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As the rate of obesity and overweight increases worldwide at an alarming rate, the quest goes on to find new therapeutics targeting obesity-associated disorders, including…
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Atrial fibrillation, or AFib, is the most common heart rhythm abnormality. AFib occurs when the top chambers of the heart quiver or “fibrillate” instead of…
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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are a family of ancient enzymes. Their primary function is to build proteins by loading up the proper amino acids to charging…
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Preterm Birth (PTB), a human birth happening before 37 completed weeks of gestation, is a leading cause of infant mortality and morbidity. PTB babies tend…
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