Exploring How Environmental Dynamics Shaped Modern Iraq

Modern Iraq is a relatively dry country faced with mounting water challenges. Ancient Southern Iraq, commonly referred to as Southern Mesopotamia, was also the home…
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Modern Iraq is a relatively dry country faced with mounting water challenges. Ancient Southern Iraq, commonly referred to as Southern Mesopotamia, was also the home…
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The welfare of farmed animals is under increasing scrutiny from consumers as well as governmental and industry bodies and plays an important part in the…
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Wine aroma is arguably the most important intrinsic factor used to judge wine quality. The perception of wine aroma is the result of a number…
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Mitochondria are tiny bodies inside the cells of animals, plants, and fungi that were derived from an endosymbiotic process involving bacterial and archaeal cells. Despite…
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Coral bleaching events provide one of the most visual indicators of present-day climate change effects. From 2014 to 2017, the world experienced the longest recorded…
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During many natural phenomena, trapped pockets of air or fluid inside the earth’s crust can reach high pressures. For example, geysers occur due to water…
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All African felids are considered either vulnerable to extinction or endangered on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List. These iconic and…
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Loess is a wind-blown sediment made of micron-sized grains of quartz, feldspar, and mica, calcium and magnesium carbonates and up to 30% of clay. As…
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Predicting severe weather (defined by the National Weather Service as wind gusts above 58 MPH, hail greater than 1″, or a tornado) in the Northeast…
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The Caribbean is one of the most susceptible regions in the world to climate change and building resilience is a major developmental challenge. This paper,…
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I find myself working in an emerging field that may be called ecological evolutionary developmental and behavioral biology, which involves analyzing biological phenomena within a…
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