Anatomical Body Planes

What are the anatomical planes of the body? The anatomical planes of the body are directional terms used by anatomists to help facilitate the discussion…
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What are the anatomical planes of the body? The anatomical planes of the body are directional terms used by anatomists to help facilitate the discussion…
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Ammonia, chemical formula NH3, is a colorless gas frequently used in the production of fertilizer, as a cleaning chemical, and in the creation of nitrogenous…
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The acetabulofemoral joint, commonly called the hip joint, scientifically termed is located in between the pelvis and the femur of the legs. The hip is…
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If you are looking for a spice to substitute for paprika, there are a few different options you can use. Substitutes for paprika include chili powder,…
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Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous compound composed out of a single nitrogen atom and a single oxygen atom. It is the simplest of the…
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Hexane is a hydrocarbon compound with a chemical formula of C6H14. Hexane is classified as an alkane and is composed of a chain of 6…
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The ankle is the portion of the body where the foot and leg join together. Although the ankle is frequently referred to as one joint,…
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Earthworms are tube-shaped segmented organisms that fall under the phylum Annelida. Contrary to popular perception, earthworms are not insects or arthropods—they are animals. Earthworms have a widely varied diet…
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The human hand is located at the end of the forearm, and it is made out of 27 different bones as well as two different…
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The human back extends from the buttocks to the posterior portion of the neck and shoulders. It is opposite from the chest, and the vertebral…
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The human heart is an organ responsible for pumping blood through the body, moving the blood (which carries valuable oxygen) to all the tissues in…
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