Frogs eat other animals as they are carnivores. This includes eating everything from insects, grasshoppers, worms, snails, and other bugs for small frogs to eating dragonflies, moths, mice, smaller frogs, small snakes, and baby turtles for large frogs.
Getting a pet of any kind is a huge responsibility to undertake. You need to make sure they are fed, have water, are healthy, and most importantly are happy with their family. Pets of all kinds are very rewarding in that you can get unconditional love from just about any animal as you raise it and give it a home.
This applies to all pets including dogs and cats, and even frogs. While some people might not think about frogs when they think of pets, frogs are great companions to have and are great to own. Check out this guide to learn about what you can feed your frog and what frogs naturally eat.
“Don’t be a fish; be a frog. Swim in the water and jump when you hit ground.” — Kim Young-ha
Frogs as Pets: Pros and Cons
Frogs are very interesting pets. They can creep some people out while other people want to snuggle and love them. While frogs are generally a pretty easy pet to have, they aren’t necessarily for everyone and can come with their own challenges. Here are some pros to owning a frog:
- You can typically catch their food on your own if you aren’t squeamish
- They can have a long lifespan if you take care of them correctly
- Not very high maintenance
As with everything in life, there are also some not so great parts of owning a frog. Here are some cons:
- Their skin can carry diseases harmful to humans
- Their food can be disgusting
- Their habitats can be difficult to take care of
As with any animal, be it a dog or cat or frog, you need to make sure that you do your research to make sure you can handle a pet frog. Some frogs can live close to 2 decades, so this isn’t just a couple year commitment like some other pets. Another thing to consider is how much interaction you want with your pet. Frogs are very independent and will do their own thing, regardless of if you are there or not. If you are searching for a more interactive pet then you might want to look at other animals. There are some exceptions to that, some people say that their frog recognizes them.
“Time’s fun when you’re having flies.” — Kermit the Frog
You can find frogs from a number of different locations, from your local pet store all the way to a breeder who specializes in frogs. Our best advice is to study up and research if you want and frog, and then where to get a frog. If you are unsure about whether or not a pet frog is for you or not check out this website here. Josh’s Frogs is a great site that really goes into depth about what you can expect when you get a frog, and gives you some pointers about whether or not a frog is for you. This website is also updated frequently so you know it is all up to date.
Note: For beginners just getting into frogs, I highly recommend looking into aquatic frogs. They are easy to feed and take care of, and you can watch them swim around (mine used to chase a laser pointer). In regards to food, simple pellets do the trick.
What do frogs really eat?
There are a bunch of different species of frogs who have different feeding regiments. Frogs are carnivores, meaning they eat meat and will, therefore, need fresh prey. Most frogs will need fresh insects and bugs, like crickets, while others might actually require a live mouse. It is very important that you know what species your frog is and what their diet requires. Frogs also need a varied diet, so just giving it a cricket won’t keep it alive for long. A good varied diet would consist of:
- Crickets
- Locust
- Mealworms
- Grasshoppers
- Even small mice (for bigger species)
The food you give your frog does need to be alive; it can’t just be a dead bug thrown into its habitat. You can get live food at any local pet store, or you can raise your own food and save money.
Again, and we cannot stress this enough, make sure you research what to feed your frog based on their species. You also need to know how often to feed your frog as well, which also depends on species. There are some frogs that are very active and need to eat more often than others, whereas other frogs that are more sedentary and don’t need to eat as often. That’s why it is so crucial to understanding what the specific species of frog needs.
What NOT to feed your frog
While different frog species need different diets there are some things you should never feed your frog. Frogs only eat meat, so do not serve them fruits or veggies (no matter how delicious you might think they are). Also, do not feed them table scraps and human food or food that is meant for other animals. Make sure that the insects and prey you give your frog are sized appropriately and are not bigger than your frog. If they eat something that is too big they could get a blockage in their intestine and die, which is probably something you should try to avoid.
Lastly, do not feed the frog insects that you have caught in the wild. Those bugs could be carrying around insecticide and other poisons that could be toxic to your frog.
What your frog should drink
“Frogs croak. But if you really love them… sometimes that’s music too.” — Nyla
Yes, frogs need water just like we do to survive. But, frogs don’t actually drink as humans do. Frogs go through a process called osmosis, meaning they “drink” the water through their skin to stay hydrated. That means that their habitat needs to have a fresh, and clean, supply of water for them. The water will need to be de-chlorinated (which can be done by picking up water de-chlorinators at the pet store). You can give your frog water by keeping the tank wet and humid so that your pet has just enough water to stay hydrated and healthy.
Overall, frogs are great pets who are decently easy to maintain but provide you with a lot of fun. The most important thing about a frog is to understand the care that each breed needs so you can ensure your frog lives a happy life with you.