The periodic table ionic charge can be broken down by metals that are positive and on the left of the table and nonmetals which are negative and found on the right. The periodic table can also be broken down by name and mass depending on your interests.
There can be no doubt that any science student who is interested in chemistry must learn the periodic table. But just learning the periodic table is not really enough. It is a merely first step before going deeper into it. The next step would be to add the ionic charges, the full names, and the mass of each of the elements.
In other words, we start off by learning the periodic table but then we must also learn all the other relevant details about each and every one of the elements.
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies, we are made in the interior of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff.” — Carl Sagan
What Is The Periodic Table?
The modern periodic table is the result of hundreds of years’ worth of research. The first known attempt at organizing all chemical elements into a tabular arrangement dates back to 1789 when French chemist Antoine Lavoisier.
That first version contained 33 elements, which Lavoisier had grouped into the following categories:
- Gases
- Metals
- Nonmetals
- Earths
After undergoing many changes through the 19th century, it was not until 1869 than a Russian chemist called Dmitri Mendeleev came up with his own table in 1869. In his version of the periodic table (known as the Mendeleev periodic table), the elements are organized by mass number, in increasing order.
Elements which are similar as regards their chemical properties have atomic weights which are either of nearly the same value (eg. Pt, Ir, Os) or which increase regularly (eg. K, Ru, Cs). – Dmitri Mendeleev
The current version of the periodic table contains 118 different chemical elements. Each of these elements has a symbol and an atomic number. These symbols and numbers work as shortcuts to identify them.
The main difference between the current periodic table has one major difference with the Mendeleev periodic table is that now the elements are no longer organized by their mass number. Instead, the elements are arranged by their atomic numbers.
Elements Broken Down By Ionic Charges
Ionic charges, which is sometimes merely known as “charges” are the difference between the number of electrons and the number of protons. Electrons are particles with a negative charge, while protons are particles with a positive charge.
- If you look at the periodic table, you will find all the elements with a positive ionic charge (those where protons outnumbered electrons) in the left area.
- Then, you will find the non-metals (those elements where electrons outnumbered protons) in the right area. There is one exception to this, which is Hydrogen (symbol: H, number 1). The reason for this is that hydrogen, under normal pressures and temperatures, actually behaves like a nonmetal.
- Finally, you will find the metalloids (or semimetal), which are a mixture of metals and non-metals in the row that, logically, separates metals and non-metals.
Elements Broken Down By Name
“The only difference between elements and compounds consists in the supposed impossibility of proving the so-called elements to be compounds.” — Wolfgang Ostwald
If we ordered the element in alphabetical order, we would get the following result:
Element Name | Element Symbol | Atomic Number | Element Name | Element Symbol | Atomic Number |
Actinium | Ac | 89 | Mercury | Hg | 80 |
Aluminum | Al | 13 | Molybdenum | Mo | 42 |
Americium | Am | 95 | Moscovium | Mc | 115 |
Antimony | Sb | 51 | Neodymium | Nd | 60 |
Argon | Ar | 18 | Neon | Ne | 10 |
Arsenic | As | 33 | Neptunium | Np | 93 |
Astatine | At | 85 | Nickel | Ni | 28 |
Barium | Ba | 56 | Nihonium | Nh | 113 |
Berkelium | Bk | 97 | Niobium | Nb | 41 |
Beryllium | Be | 4 | Nitrogen | N | 7 |
Bismuth | Bi | 83 | Nobelium | No | 102 |
Bohrium | Bh | 107 | Oganesson | Og | 118 |
Boron | B | 5 | Osmium | Os | 76 |
Bromine | Br | 35 | Oxygen | O | 8 |
Cadmium | Cd | 48 | Palladium | Pd | 46 |
Calcium | Ca | 20 | Phosphorus | P | 15 |
Californium | Cf | 98 | Platinum | Pt | 78 |
Carbon | C | 6 | Plutonium | Pu | 94 |
Cerium | Ce | 58 | Polonium | Po | 84 |
Cesium | Cs | 55 | Potassium | K | 19 |
Chlorine | Cl | 17 | Praseodymium | Pr | 59 |
Chromium | Cr | 24 | Promethium | Pm | 61 |
Cobalt | Co | 27 | Protactinium | Pa | 91 |
Copernicium | Cn | 112 | Radium | Ra | 88 |
Copper | Cu | 29 | Radon | Rn | 86 |
Curium | Cm | 96 | Rhenium | Re | 75 |
Darmstadtium | Ds | 110 | Rhodium | Rh | 45 |
Dubnium | Db | 105 | Roentgenium | Rg | 111 |
Dysprosium | Dy | 66 | Rudidium | Rb | 37 |
Einsteinium | Es | 99 | Ruthenium | Ru | 44 |
Erbium | Er | 68 | Rutherfordium | Rf | 104 |
Europium | Eu | 63 | Samarium | Sm | 62 |
Fermium | Fm | 100 | Scandium | Sc | 21 |
Flerovium | Fl | 114 | Seaborgium | Sg | 106 |
Fluorine | F | 9 | Selenium | Se | 34 |
Francium | Fr | 87 | Silicon | Si | 14 |
Gadolinium | Gd | 64 | Silver | Ag | 47 |
Gallium | Ga | 31 | Sodium | Na | 11 |
Germanium | Ge | 32 | Strontium | Sr | 38 |
Gold | Au | 79 | Sulfur | S | 16 |
Hafnium | Hf | 72 | Tantalum | Ta | 73 |
Hassium | Hs | 108 | Technetium | Tc | 43 |
Helium | He | 2 | Tellurium | Te | 52 |
Holmium | Ho | 67 | Tennessine | Ts | 117 |
Hydrogen | H | 1 | Terbium | Tb | 65 |
Indium | In | 49 | Thallium | Tl | 81 |
Iodine | I | 53 | Thorium | Th | 90 |
Iridium | Ir | 77 | Thulium | Tm | 69 |
Iron | Fe | 26 | Tin | Sn | 50 |
Krypton | Kr | 36 | Titanium | Ti | 22 |
Lanthanum | La | 57 | Tungsten | W | 74 |
Lawrencium | Lr | 103 | Uranium | U | 92 |
Lead | Pb | 82 | Vanadium | V | 23 |
Lithium | Li | 3 | Xenon | Xe | 54 |
Livermorium | Lv | 116 | Ytterbium | Yb | 70 |
Lutetium | Lu | 71 | Yttrium | Y | 39 |
Magnesium | Mg | 12 | Zinc | Zn | 30 |
Manganese | Mn | 25 | Zirconium | Zr | 40 |
Meitnerium | Mt | 109 |
Elements Broken Down By Mass
Finally, if we looked at the atomic mass of each of the elements we will notice that there are huge differences between them.
Here is the list of 118 chemical elements in the order they are presented in the periodic table in which we also include their atomic mass:
Element Name | Element Symbol | Atomic Number | Atomic Mass |
Hydrogen | H | 1 | 1.0079 |
Helium | He | 2 | 4.0026 |
Lithium | Li | 3 | 6.941 |
Beryllium | Be | 4 | 9.0122 |
Boron | B | 5 | 10.811 |
Carbon | C | 6 | 12.0107 |
Nitrogen | N | 7 | 14.0067 |
Oxygen | O | 8 | 15.9994 |
Fluorine | F | 9 | 18.9984 |
Neon | Ne | 10 | 20.1797 |
Sodium | Na | 11 | 22.9897 |
Magnesium | Mg | 12 | 24.305 |
Aluminum | Al | 13 | 26.9815 |
Silicon | Si | 14 | 28.0855 |
Phosphorus | P | 15 | 30.9738 |
Sulfur | S | 16 | 32.065 |
Chlorine | Cl | 17 | 35.453 |
Potassium | K | 19 | 39.0983 |
Argon | Ar | 18 | 39.948 |
Calcium | Ca | 20 | 40.078 |
Scandium | Sc | 21 | 44.9559 |
Titanium | Ti | 22 | 47.867 |
Vanadium | V | 23 | 50.9415 |
Chromium | Cr | 24 | 51.9961 |
Manganese | Mn | 25 | 54.938 |
Iron | Fe | 26 | 55.845 |
Nickel | Ni | 28 | 58.6934 |
Cobalt | Co | 27 | 58.9332 |
Copper | Cu | 29 | 63.546 |
Zinc | Zn | 30 | 65.39 |
Gallium | Ga | 31 | 69.723 |
Germanium | Ge | 32 | 72.64 |
Arsenic | As | 33 | 74.9216 |
Selenium | Se | 34 | 78.96 |
Bromine | Br | 35 | 79.904 |
Krypton | Kr | 36 | 83.8 |
Rubidium | Rb | 37 | 85.4678 |
Strontium | Sr | 38 | 87.62 |
Yttrium | Y | 39 | 88.9059 |
Zirconium | Zr | 40 | 91.224 |
Niobium | Nb | 41 | 92.9064 |
Molybdenum | Mo | 42 | 95.94 |
Technetium | Tc | 43 | 98 |
Ruthernium | Ru | 44 | 101.07 |
Rhodium | Rh | 45 | 102.9055 |
Palladium | Pd | 46 | 106.42 |
Silver | Ag | 47 | 107.8682 |
Cadmium | Cd | 48 | 112.818 |
Indium | In | 49 | 114.818 |
Tin | Sn | 50 | 118.71 |
Antimony | Sb | 51 | 121.76 |
Iodine | I | 53 | 126.9045 |
Tellurium | Te | 52 | 127.6 |
Xenon | Xe | 54 | 131.293 |
Cesium | Cs | 55 | 132.9055 |
Barium | Ba | 56 | 137.327 |
Lanthanum | La | 57 | 138.9055 |
Cerium | Ce | 58 | 140.116 |
Praseodymium | Pr | 59 | 140.9077 |
Neodymium | Nd | 60 | 144.24 |
Promethium | Pm | 61 | 145 |
Samarium | Sm | 62 | 150.36 |
Europium | Eu | 63 | 151.964 |
Gadolinium | Gd | 64 | 157.25 |
Terbium | Tb | 65 | 158.9253 |
Dysprosium | Dy | 66 | 162.5 |
Holmium | Ho | 67 | 164.9303 |
Erbium | Er | 68 | 167.259 |
Thulium | Tm | 69 | 168.9342 |
Ytterbium | Yb | 70 | 173.04 |
Lutetium | Lu | 71 | 174.967 |
Hafnium | Hf | 72 | 178.49 |
Tantalum | Ta | 73 | 180.9479 |
Tungsten | W | 74 | 183.84 |
Rhenium | Re | 75 | 186.207 |
Osmium | Os | 76 | 190.23 |
Iridium | Ir | 77 | 192.217 |
Platinum | Pt | 78 | 195.078 |
Gold | Au | 79 | 196.9665 |
Mercury | Hg | 80 | 200.59 |
Thallium | Tl | 81 | 204.3833 |
Lead | Pb | 82 | 207.2 |
Bismuth | Bi | 83 | 208.9804 |
Polonium | Po | 84 | 209 |
Astatine | At | 85 | 210 |
Radon | Rn | 86 | 222 |
Francium | Fr | 87 | 223 |
Radium | Ra | 88 | 226 |
Actinium | Ac | 89 | 227 |
Protactinium | Pa | 91 | 231.0359 |
Thorium | Th | 90 | 232.0391 |
Neptunium | Np | 93 | 237 |
Uranium | U | 92 | 238.0289 |
Americium | Am | 95 | 243 |
Plutonium | Pu | 94 | 244 |
Curium | Cm | 96 | 247 |
Berkelium | Bk | 97 | 247 |
Californium | Cf | 98 | 251 |
Einsteinium | Es | 99 | 252 |
Fermium | Fm | 100 | 257 |
Mendelevium | Md | 101 | 258 |
Nobelium | No | 102 | 259 |
Rutherfordium | Rf | 104 | 261 |
Lawrencium | Lr | 103 | 262 |
Dubnium | Db | 105 | 262 |
Bohrium | Bh | 107 | 264 |
Seaborgium | Sg | 106 | 266 |
Meitnerium | Mt | 109 | 268 |
Roentgenium | Rg | 111 | 272 |
Hassium | Hs | 108 | 277 |
Darmstadtium | Ds | 110 | N/A |
Copernicium | Cn | 112 | N/A |
Nihonium | Nh | 113 | N/A |
Flerovium | Fl | 114 | N/A |
Moscovium | Mc | 115 | N/A |
Livermorium | Lv | 116 | N/A |
Tennessine | Ts | 117 | N/A |
Oganesson | Og | 118 | N/A |