Labeled Neuron Diagram

Neurons are the basic organizational units of the brain and nervous system. Neurons form the bulk of all nervous tissue and are what allow nervous…
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Neurons are the basic organizational units of the brain and nervous system. Neurons form the bulk of all nervous tissue and are what allow nervous…
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Recent advances in vaccine storage technology could make the storage and distribution of vaccines much simpler, dramatically changing vaccination rates in areas of the globe…
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While there are many other canyons throughout the southwest United States., but the Grand Canyon is by far the most famous. Exactly how deep is…
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How was pizza invented? Who invented pizza? Like so many questions regarding the invention of objects, this question is more difficult to answer then it…
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Metalloids are also sometimes referred to as semimetals, owing to the fact that metalloids have properties which are in-between metals and nonmetals. This is in…
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The robot Sophia, created by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics, was until very recently most famous for beating Jimmy Fallon in a game of rock-paper-scissors….
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The metals list which makes up the periodic table includes iron, lead, gold, aluminum, platinum, uranium, zinc, lithium, sodium, tin, silver, etc. The nonmetals list…
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In addition to the seven continents, there are five oceans and: the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian ocean, and the…
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Osmosis refers to the movement of molecules across a selectively permeable membrane. The process of osmosis has molecules spread out across a membrane gradient until…
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If you are ever asked what a polymer of nucleic acid is, know that this is something of a trick question. Nucleic acids are actually…
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What is the capital of the state of California? A natural guess is the city of Los Angeles, which is the largest city in the…
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