Labeled Human Skeleton

The labeled human skeleton system is comprised of 206 different bones of various sizes and shapes, all with the primary purpose of providing support, protection,…
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The labeled human skeleton system is comprised of 206 different bones of various sizes and shapes, all with the primary purpose of providing support, protection,…
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The human heart is an organ responsible for pumping blood through the body, moving the blood (which carries valuable oxygen) to all the tissues in…
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The human body collectively is the most complex machine known to man, Like any machine, the human body is made of different body parts situated…
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The smooth ER (endoplasmic reticulum) function involves manufacturing and packaging, including the synthesis of lipids and hormones which are used for the production of new…
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CBD stands for cannabidiol, a compound found in weed or marijuana plants that relieves pain, reduces anxiety, helps sleep, etc. The compound CBD (Cannabidiol) is…
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Recent advances in vaccine storage technology could make the storage and distribution of vaccines much simpler, dramatically changing vaccination rates in areas of the globe…
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How was pizza invented? Who invented pizza? Like so many questions regarding the invention of objects, this question is more difficult to answer then it…
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Published by Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research, Champaign, Illinois, United States of America These findings are described in the article entitled Cancer diagnosis through a tandem…
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The human hand is located at the end of the forearm, and it is made out of 27 different bones as well as two different…
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The ankle is the portion of the body where the foot and leg join together. Although the ankle is frequently referred to as one joint,…
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What are the anatomical planes of the body? The anatomical planes of the body are directional terms used by anatomists to help facilitate the discussion…
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