Epigenetic Changes In Multiple Sclerosis – Studied In Twins

Scientists have investigated why often only one of two identical twins suffers from multiple sclerosis, while the other twin sibling is spared. Identical twins look…
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Scientists have investigated why often only one of two identical twins suffers from multiple sclerosis, while the other twin sibling is spared. Identical twins look…
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Unlike humans or other animal species, dolphins rarely show signs of external aging. Consequently, estimating the age of a free-ranging dolphin during a veterinary examination…
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Solanum tuberosum L., also known as potatoes, are one of the most consumed vegetable crops in the world. Because of their nutritional value, potatoes’ quality…
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All African felids are considered either vulnerable to extinction or endangered on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List. These iconic and…
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In the Indian subcontinent, Bengal tigers inhabit tropical grassland, riverine, and moist semi-deciduous forests along major river systems. The tiger population in the southern belt…
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During many natural phenomena, trapped pockets of air or fluid inside the earth’s crust can reach high pressures. For example, geysers occur due to water…
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Coral bleaching events provide one of the most visual indicators of present-day climate change effects. From 2014 to 2017, the world experienced the longest recorded…
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Mitochondria are tiny bodies inside the cells of animals, plants, and fungi that were derived from an endosymbiotic process involving bacterial and archaeal cells. Despite…
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As discussed previously, outer space conditions are harmful to human beings. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are devoid of life. Indeed, there…
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New research shows how computer-based math models can communicate with neurons to study neurodegenerative diseases. Brain diseases such as epilepsy and neurodegeneration (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease,…
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Polar bears are currently listed as vulnerable on the IUCN’s (International Union on Conservation in Nature) Red List of threatened species. Canada is home to…
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