Brucellosis caused by Brucella organisms takes a heavy toll on the farm economy due to abortions and reproductive failure in farm animals like cattle, buffaloes,… Read more
People tend to trust that their perception of the world accurately reflects reality. However, work in psychology and neuroscience has suggested that our minds often… Read more
With the increasing attention to environmental problems and the strong demand for clean and sustainable energy, it is becoming an important goal worldwide to manufacture… Read more
Over 29 million people in the US are estimated to have diabetes, with projections that number will increase to 642 million by the year 2040…. Read more
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) is a rare form of cancer originating in secretory glands, often located in the head and neck region and commonly presented… Read more
Ever since Darwin, the vividly colorful feathers used by many male birds to attract females have been assumed to attract predators as well. However, a… Read more
Imagine that you have been successfully recruited as a Mars immigrator. After celebrating being a pioneer and approaching closer to this red planet, you find… Read more
Until the early 2000s, nanotechnology was only considered as a means to manipulate matter at the atomic or molecular level. Since then, there has been… Read more
Livestock depredation (predation on domestic animals) by carnivores is one of the primary causes of human-carnivore conflict worldwide. Many carnivores have large home ranges and… Read more
Volcanoes are often seen as agents of destruction and catastrophes when they present major eruptive activity such as continuous lava flows, sustained vertical eruptive columns… Read more
The world population increases at a rate of 1% every year. Today, we are 7 billion, and the world population will likely stabilize around 10… Read more