Trump Administration Repeals Clean Power Plan and Reassigns Policy Experts

The Trump administration has made its feelings on environmental issues fairly clear ever since this last June when it decided to withdraw the United States…
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The Trump administration has made its feelings on environmental issues fairly clear ever since this last June when it decided to withdraw the United States…
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From the lost utopia of Atlantis to the brimming golds of El Dorado, there are many mythical cities and lands that stories tell us about….
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, viVery often it is only a matter of time before something in science-fiction becomes science-fact. This past week tech giant Google held an event…
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There are many species that exist in the world. We see it in the diversity among the numerous environments we explore, from deserts to icy…
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A growing interest in the practice of meditation has also spurred a growing body of research on the topic. Recent research done by the Max…
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Finding life in space is a very difficult task because there are so many different factors that must be considered for life as we know…
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There are many different types of learning disorders that affect a significant amount of the world population. They are generally described as neurologically-based processing problems….
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Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it is commonly known, enables the creation of complex 3D geometries through the selective layer-by-layer deposition of material. The…
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Imagine that you are walking outside and the sun begins to set. Darkness begins to take over as night falls. During the day, we feel…
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There are many behaviors that persist throughout many different species and across long periods of time. These behaviors serve important roles in surviving different environments…
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Most people aren’t fans of insects, so to many people if insects suddenly disappeared it would seem like a good thing. In fact, this very…
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