Function Of The Nucleus

The function of the nucleus is to store a cell’s hereditary material, or DNA, which helps with and controls a cell’s growth, function, and reproduction….
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The function of the nucleus is to store a cell’s hereditary material, or DNA, which helps with and controls a cell’s growth, function, and reproduction….
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pH stands for potential hydrogen with the “p” meaning potential and the “H” standing for hydrogen. The pH scale is a scale that is used…
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The cerebrum is the latest evolutionary feature of the brain and is the largest part of the brain. The cerebrum is located in the uppermost…
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The human body collectively is the most complex machine known to man, Like any machine, the human body is made of different body parts situated…
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The smooth ER (endoplasmic reticulum) function involves manufacturing and packaging, including the synthesis of lipids and hormones which are used for the production of new…
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A positive feedback loop is a system where one variable increases the quality of another variable which in turn increases the quantity/occurrence of the first…
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CBD stands for cannabidiol, a compound found in weed or marijuana plants that relieves pain, reduces anxiety, helps sleep, etc. The compound CBD (Cannabidiol) is…
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The life cycle of a butterfly includes a process called metamorphosis where each butterfly goes through 4 stages from an egg to a larva, then…
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Flora and fauna refer to the plants and animals of an environment. To remember them, fauna sounds similar to fawn, indicating it refers to animals,…
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Heavy water is a form of water where the hydrogen atoms are the isotope variant deuterium, which means it is slightly unstable chemically. Heavy water…
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The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus with an average temperature of 864 degrees Fahrenheit or 462 degrees Celsius. The coldest planet in the…
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