What Do Termites Look Like?

Termites can look like ants, however, they can be distinguished by their visible wings, straight antennae compared to ants bent antennae, relatively thick waists, hard exoskeletons, and very dark color.

Homes are always exposed to not just weather, but to insects as well. Termites are a major problem for most home, but few people know what they are or what they even look like. Check out this guide to learn all about termites, and to see what they actually look like up close.

I have personal problems like other people have termites. – Alice Hastings Bradley

How To Identify Types Of Termites And What They Look Like

Termites are extremely annoying, and costly, little bugs that can cost you a pretty penny if they infest your house; every year termites cause at least $4 billion dollars worth of property damage.

Termites are actually descendants of cockroaches, way back in the Jurassic period, some cockroaches began evolving into the termites that we know today (that dates them back at least 100 million years). Termites are very similar to bees in that jobs are divided among the soldiers and workers, and that the queens are fertilized by kings to produce more termites.  Termites are incredibly successful insects because they are dispersed quite literally on almost every continent (except Antarctica). Some termite colonies consist of several million insects and some of those termites can live upwards of 50 years.

There are at least 2,000 different species of termites in the world, but these 3 are the most popular species we see:

It also just so happens that those 3 species also cause the most property damage, so recognizing them is important to save your house (and your wallet). Let’s go over them.

Dampwood Termites

Unlike most termite species, dampwood termites don’t actually create shelter tubes; instead, they live in the wood that they eat. They are also one of the larger species of termites, coming in around an inch long.

As their name suggests, dampwood termites live in damp wood. Oftentimes if your home is infested by dampwood termites that means you have some sort of plumbing leak or your home is soaking up water that is making the wood damp. In order for dampwood termites to survive, they have to be in contact with water and their habitat has to be humid. If it is not, then the termites will die. With that said, dampwood termites don’t often infest homes. They usually stick to stumps, logs, trees, utility posts and even fencing.

Here are some facts about dampwood termites:

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are the cousins of dampwood termites and they live in the opposite environment. They thrive in dry wood and can also eat wallpaper, plastics, and even fabrics. Typically drywood termite infestations are a pretty big deal and can be extremely costly to repair. These termites weaken the wood in your home significantly, so more often than not those wooden boards and parts need to be replaced. Another costly expense with drywood termites is that you might have to have your home fumigated, meaning a massive tarp will be put over your home and poison or gas will be pumped in to kill the termite infestation.

Here are some facts about the drywood termite:

Formosan Termites

These termites are extremely aggressive and damaging. They can eat through wood, siding, wallpaper, and even flooring of buildings. Once these guys infest a building they are extremely difficult to get rid of and can actually destroy wood within a matter of weeks and can even topple buildings within a 7 month period. Formosan termites are so aggressive that they can eat through the covering of telephone lines and even electrical lines and have caused power outages because of this.

You can find Formosan termites typically in the southern states but have also been found in Canada as well, so they are not located in just 1 geographical area. You can easily identify Formosan termites by their white coloring  (like in the picture above). If you suspect your home has Formosan termites call an exterminator immediately since the damage these termites can do is so extreme.

Here are some facts: