How Personality Affects Species Interactions

From sea anemones to chimpanzees, animals tend to exhibit consistent individual behavioral tendencies. These consistent behavioral differences are better known as animal personality, and they…
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From sea anemones to chimpanzees, animals tend to exhibit consistent individual behavioral tendencies. These consistent behavioral differences are better known as animal personality, and they…
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Many people experience a strong dislike of everything crawling or slithering. While not everybody is afraid of spiders and snakes, clinical fears of these animals…
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Caffeine is a psychoactive substance which is consumed by people from all over the world, mostly in the form of coffee and tea. However, the…
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Our brain is one of the most complex biological structures known. It contains billions of nerve cells (neurons) which form a densely interconnected network comprising…
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One of the large questions in the study of the evolution of animal cognition is why there is large variation both among and within species…
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Among the multiple ways to learn behaviors, from classical conditioning to insight learning, observational learning is among the most powerful learning strategies. It allows animals,…
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Group-living has evolved many times across a very broad range of animal taxa – from swarms of bees to herds of elephants, and even human…
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While standing in front of a mirror, it is easy for humans to recognize that the image in the mirror is nothing but a reflection….
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Physical and mental health is a factor of subjective age (the age you feel). As one age naturally, the subjective age is seen to adopt…
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Deposition of amyloid beta (Aβ) plaques in the brain is the most acknowledged feature of Alzheimer’s disease. Despite decades of research, debate persists over the…
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Use of pharmaceutical medications by humans is escalating globally. In fact, the number of pharmaceutical doses dispensed per year is predicted to reach 4.5 trillion…
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