How We Describe Complex Systems To Solve Global Dilemmas

Society faces many challenges from individual health to global financial crises, food shortages, disease outbreaks, and ethnic violence. These issues are highly complex. The reason…
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Society faces many challenges from individual health to global financial crises, food shortages, disease outbreaks, and ethnic violence. These issues are highly complex. The reason…
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The archaeological record could be roughly defined as the material culture generated by past populations, whose systematic study can tell us about the human behavior…
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Coal mining is an economic activity. However, mining degrades the soil and water quality and adversely affects the ecology of surrounding area. The reclamation and…
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Above about four kilometers up in the atmosphere, clouds begin to contain both liquid droplets and ice crystals. Because two phases of water coexist, a…
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Mangrove forests are found at the interface between oceans and land in tropical and subtropical coasts. Under-appreciated and severely degraded for centuries, these coastal ecosystems…
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Earthquakes cause many deaths and injuries worldwide. For example, the 2015 Nepal earthquake is thought to have killed nearly 9,000 people. This event was only…
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Imagine animals without an ossified braincase. Animals in which the brain is encapsulated by soft cartilage instead of hard bone. These animals did exist, and…
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With increased globalization, our world has seen unprecedented levels of connectivity resulting in human-caused spread and introduction of organisms. This rapid dispersal of species at…
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One of the principles of behavioral ecology is that resources are limited, and thus, allocation decisions have to be made to make ends meet. For…
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Exquisitely well-preserved feathered dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of north-eastern China have considerably helped paleontologists to better understand how birds evolved from…
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Records of Modern birds (Neornithes) from the Age of Dinosaurs or Mesozoic Era, are very scarce and patchy. Most specimens are represented by isolated bones…
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