When Glaciers Turn Bad: How Earth Narrowly Escaped CO2 Condensation & Permanent Glaciation

We know from the geologic record that the Earth had to face episodes of global glaciation hundreds of millions of years ago. It is widely…
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We know from the geologic record that the Earth had to face episodes of global glaciation hundreds of millions of years ago. It is widely…
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Imatinib (sold as Gleevec) is a breakthrough cancer drug approved in 2001 for the treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML). It was designed to inhibit…
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Business organizations have intentionally diversified their workforce across genders, races, and ethnicities, either in response to growing legal pressures since the 1960s or simply because…
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Despite emerging targeted therapies for breast cancer developed in recent years, breast cancer remains to be the second leading cause of cancer-related death in U.S….
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Climate change impact on hydrological extremes was studied by the project under the same name, acronym CHIHE, over the years 2014-2016. The research from this…
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One of the central problems in the modern high energy physics is related to our ability to describe and explain the behavior of the quark-gluon…
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Plants and spices are traditionally used as natural remedies. Many well established therapeutic agents are plant extracts or based on natural compounds. In which way…
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Imagine it’s midsummer and you are walking through a fen, surrounded by tall rushes, sedges, and reeds. A brilliant flash of green catches your eye…
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Climatic conditions and accompanying glacial/periglacial processes have been suggested to vary on Mars during the Late Amazonian epoch (~1.0 Ga to present). While evidence for…
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If we imagine a plate, which is perfectly reflective of sound and drill holes through 5% of its surface then we would expect 5% of…
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In Paris in December 2015, states established a new ‘global goal on adaptation’ at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This goal…
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