Activity Series Of Metals

The activity series of metals relates to the reactivity of metals; the order in which they react always from highest to lowest.

The reactivity of metals is used in order to determine what are the products od single displacement reactions. In single determined reactions, one metal replaces another metal in a solution when the first metal is higher in the series.

The reactivity of metals is the best possible way to predict how specific metals will react with other metals.

“The hardest metal yields to sufficient heat. Even so must the hardest heart melt before sufficiency of the heat of non-violence. And there is no limit to the capacity of non-violence to generate heat.” — Mahatma Ghandi

In the chart of reactivity of metals, the metals on top are more reactive than the metals that are located on the bottom.

Reactivity Series Chart

Metal Name Symbol Metal Ion Reactivity
Potassium K K+ Reacts with water.
Sodium Na Na+ Reacts with water.
Lithium Li Li+ Reacts with water.
Barium Ba Ba2+ Reacts with water.
Strontium Sr Sr2+ Reacts with water.
Calcium Ca Ca2+ Reacts with water
Magnesium Mg Mg+ Reacts with acids
Zinc Zn Zn2+ Reacts with acids
Chromium Cr Cr2+ Reacts with acids
Iron Fe Fe2+ Reacts with acids
Cadmium Cd Cd2+ Reacts with acids
Cobalt Co Co2+ Reacts with acids
Nitrogen Ni Ni2+ Reacts with acids
Tin Sn Sn2+ Reacts with acids
Lead Pb Pb2+ Reacts with acids
Hydrogen gas H2 H+ Included here for comparison.
Antimony Sb Sb2+ Highly unreactive
Bismuth Bi Bi2+ Highly unreactive
Copper Cu Cu2+ Highly unreactive
Mercury Hg Hg2+ Highly unreactive
Silver Ag Ag+ Highly unreactive
Gold Au Au3+ Highly unreactive
Platinum Pt Pt+ Highly unreactive

Activity Series of Metals Chart

Before we go ahead and look at different examples, let us look at the activity series of metals chart in detail.

“Each metal has a certain power … of setting the electric fluid in motion.” — Alessandro Volta

Metal Name Symbol Reactivity
Lithium Li Displaces H2 gas from water, steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Potassium K Displaces H2 gas from water, steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Strontium Sr Displaces H2 gas from water, steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Calcium Ca Displaces H2 gas from water, steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Sodium Na Displaces H2 gas from water, steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Magnesium Mg Displaces H2 gas from steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Aluminum Al Displaces H2 gas from steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Zinc Zn Displaces H2 gas from steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Chromium Cr Displaces H2 gas from steam and acids and forms hydroxides.
Iron Fe Displaces H2 gas from acids only and forms hydroxides.
Cadmium Cd Displaces H2 gas from acids only and forms hydroxides.
Cobalt Co Displaces H2 gas from acids only and forms hydroxides.
Nickel Ni Displaces H2 gas from acids only and forms hydroxides.
Tin Sn Displaces H2 gas from acids only and forms hydroxides.
Lead Pb Displaces H2 gas from acids only and forms hydroxides.
Hydrogen gas H2 Included on this chart just for the purpose of comparison.
Antimony Sb It combines with O2 to form oxides and cannot displace H2.
Arsenic As It combines with O2 to form oxides and cannot displace H2.
Bismuth Bi It combines with O2 to form oxides and cannot displace H2.
Copper Cu It combines with O2 to form oxides and cannot displace H2.
Mercury Hg It is found free in nature. Oxides decompose with heating.
Silver Ag It is found free in nature. Oxides decompose with heating.
Palladium Pd It is found free in nature. Oxides decompose with heating.
Platinum Pt It is found free in nature. Oxides decompose with heating.
Gold Au It is found free in nature. Oxides decompose with heating.

Magnesium Is More Reactive Than Zinc. Both Magnesium and Zinc Are More Reactive Than Hydrogen

This is what is known as a third displacement reaction. It can be used for metals that appear lower on the chart. The distance between two given metals indicates their reactivity. Thus, the further apart they are, the more vigorous their reaction will be. For example, if you add copper to zinc ions will not result in the displacement of the zinc. Why? Because copper is located in a lower position than zinc on the table.

We have shown that it is possible to create a radioactivity characterized by the emission of positive or negative electrons in boron and magnesium by bombardment with alpha rays. – Irene Joliot-Curie

The first five top metallic elements on the chart, lithium, potassium, strontium, and calcium, are highly reactive, which means that they will react with both hot and cold water. They will also steam and thus form hydroxides and hydrogen gas.

The four metallic elements that follow on the chart, magnesium, aluminum, zinc, and chromium, are active. They will reach with steam or hot water and will form hydrogen gas and oxides.

Also, all the elements for those two groups of metals resist reduction by H2 gas.

The following six metallic elements on the chart, iron, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, and tin, will replace the hydrogen from sulfuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids.

Heating with hydrogen gas, carbon monoxide, or carbon will reduce their oxides.

Lithium, potassium, strontium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, zinc, chromium, iron, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, tin, lead, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and copper will form oxides if you combine them oxygen.

The last five metallic elements on the chart, mercury, silver, palladium, platinum, and gold, are all found in nature and they have little oxides. The little oxides they have will decompose if exposed to heat.