Mantle Plumes Can Destroy Diamonds

Kimberlites (pipe-like bodies) are the host rocks for the majority of diamonds, and kimberlites are dominantly located in regions of ancient continental crust. However, only…
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Kimberlites (pipe-like bodies) are the host rocks for the majority of diamonds, and kimberlites are dominantly located in regions of ancient continental crust. However, only…
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It’s the time of year that many people are starting to give up on their New Year’s resolutions. If you are one of the many…
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Both the torr and atmosphere (atm) are units of pressure. One torr is exactly equal to 1/760 atm of pressure. Converting from torr to atmosphere is…
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The provision of primary healthcare is based on the delivery of basic care and the dissemination of prevention practices to the population. In Brazil, a…
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With the ever-rising technological advancements to leverage solar energy in the modern era, maintaining the optimum performance of such energy devices like solar cell panels…
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Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a debilitating disorder with the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness. From an evolutionary standpoint, AN is a paradox. Humans…
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Olfaction is a very important chemoreception that forms the sense of smell in animals. Terrestrial animals can detect low concentrations of airborne, volatile chemical substances…
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The current climate change we experience calls for understanding how our environment responded to natural variations of climate in the past. It is well established…
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Tuberculosis is one of the most severe infectious diseases in the world, responsible for more than 1.5 million deaths every year (1). The cause of…
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Silicon (Si) is the seventh most abundant element in the universe, and thus it can be found almost everywhere on Earth. That is why it…
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When you think of microbes such as bacteria and fungi, what is your first reaction? What do you think when you see that moldy cheese…
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