2017 Research Highlights From The University Of Michigan

The University of Michigan had a great 2017. With about $1.48 billion spent on research, they brought forth many different and signification contributions to our…
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The University of Michigan had a great 2017. With about $1.48 billion spent on research, they brought forth many different and signification contributions to our…
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Over the past few decades, time-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy measurements have emerged as new frontiers of condensed matter physics via manipulating and detecting different orders of…
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Recent statistics show that about half of the population in the US suffers from at least one type of health problem including mental illness, substance…
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It is well known that volcanic eruptions may cause short-term and long-term changes in global climate patterns. The volcanic cloud that spread throughout the globe…
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You can make green by mixing together equal parts of blue and yellow paint, making sure both colors are pure colors and not a variation….
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Biomagnification is the process in which toxins are concentrated in an organism as larger animals continue to eat smaller animals. This process moves toxins up…
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Agar is a type of sugar in a gelatinous form made from algae and typically used to grow bacteria in a lab. Bacteria eat the…
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Researchers at Duke University had a very busy 2017, contributing some of the years most important and notable research findings. These findings include how quantum…
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Unconventional oil and gas development (UD) is the process of extracting oil and natural gas from relatively impermeable subsurface shale. Within UD, the process of…
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The fascination of bird migration lies in the performance of stunningly well-organized journeys by animals of very small size. Birds need to choose the right…
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The “sulphiting agents” are a class of compounds releases SO2 in food; consequently, they are widely used in the food industry as preservatives. Regarding meats…
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