The key difference between a Republic versus Democracy is the protection of certain inalienable rights granted in a republic, such as the right to bear arms in the United States. This inalienable right cannot be taken away by elected officials, whereas in a true democracy the elected party and government is not restricted by any inalienable rights.
The terms republic and democracy are often times thrown around and used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same. While the two terms can mean something similar, there is a distinction between them. To learn all about the differences between a republic vs. democracy check out this guide.
Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country. – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Republic Vs Democracy: Definitions

Image source: Pixabay
Before we delve into the similarities and the differences between republics versus democracies we need to define what each actually is.
The definition of democracy (as defined by Dictionary.com, found here) is:
government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system
So what does that mean in broader terms? In a democracy, people get to choose who they put in the government but the majority is who makes the rules and the minority have absolutely no say. This is oftentimes referred to as “the people’s system.”
The definition of a republic (as defined by Dictionary.com, found here) is:
a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them
In broader terms, a democracy is a style of government where a head of state is elected (with term limits) and representatives are elected. In this type of government, the majority still determines the rules, but the minority still has a say.
Differences between a Democracy and a Republic
While they may seem very similar, democracies and republics are very different beasts. Let’s look at them:
Differences | Democracy | Republic |
Who is in charge? | The majority, the minority has no say | Majority, but the minority has a say |
Who rules the government? | Majority | The majority as well as the constitution |
Important elements | Called the “people’s system”, has free elections where people decide who to put into office. Also, have “free elections” where everyone can vote. | The people still vote and have elections, but the minority is protected by rules so they still have a say. A head of state is also elected. |
Philosophy | Everyone has a say and can vote, then majority rule in congress then enforces what they ran on. | Eligible people get a vote but are always protected by a constitution or laws, so the majority cannot impose laws that affect the country |
Similarities | Democracy | Republic |
How to change laws and rules? | Voting | Voting |
Social class structure | Determined by a capitalist society that varies by state. | Determined by a capitalist society that varies by state. |
Economy system | Typically is a capitalist society | Typically is a capitalist society |
Pros and Cons

Image source: Pixabay
Each of these systems has a few pros and cons associated with them.Let’s go over them:
Republic pros and cons
- Pros of a Republic
- Typically is considered a fairer system where everyone has a say, not just those deemed as eligible
- Republics usually have less corruption since electives really only stay for 1 term
- More people participate in republics and those people often feel a sense of belonging since their vote fully counts
- Republics don’t go to war as often since the government is truly for the people and the people have a say in war discussions
- Cons of a Republic
- Representatives are often not lifelong politicians since they serve for about 5 years and getting reelected is no guarantee (a con depending on who you ask, could be a pro to some)
- Not everyone gets a say since minority is ignored
- Even if an election comes down to a majority of 51% and a minority of 49% the majority still has rule even though the minority consisted of a large number of votes
- Republics often force people to vote selfishly over the needs of the group as a whole
- Just like in most elections, many representatives do not always do what they say they will (also lends to 1 term representatives)
- If someone or a group of people vote negligently the entire country suffers for the term of that elected official
Democracy pros and cons
- Pros for a Democracy
- It is a very efficient system since it is governed by the law and the representative’s answer to those that they represent
- We aren’t required to vote on laws since we chose our officials who vote for us
- Democracies are very well balanced since the minority actually has a say since the law favors both the majority and minority
- Typically well structured and stable
- It is a very efficient system since it is governed by the law and the representative’s answer to those that they represent
“Democracy is a government ‘of, by, and for the people.'” — Abraham Lincoln
- Cons of a Democracy
- It takes a while to agree on laws and is often drawn out over time
- The representatives may not vote how they said they would and it can greatly affect their constituents
- Some people feel their vote may not matter
Countries That Are Republics Or Democracies:
Now let’s take a look at different countries that are either Republics or Democracies:
Republic Countries (in alphabetical order)
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Angola
- Arab Republic of Egypt
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Bangladesh
- Bolivia
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Central African Republic
- Chili
- Commonwealth of Dominica
- Co-operative Republic of Guyana
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Dominican Republic
- The Democratic Republic of the Congo
- East Timor
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Finland
- France
- Gabonese Republic
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Goust
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- Hellenic Republic
- Honduras
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Ireland
- Islamic Republic of Mauritania
- Israel
- Italy
- Kyrgyz Republic
- Mongolia
- Most Serene Republic of San Marino
- Oriental Republic of Uruguay
- People’s Republic of Bangladesh
- People’s Republic of China
- Plurinational State of Bolivia
- Portuguese Republic
- Republic of Acre
- Republic of Djibouti
- Republic of Benin
- Republic of Botswana
- Republic of Burundi
- Republic of Cameroon
- Republic of Cape Verde
- Republic of Chad
- Republic of Colombia
- Republic of Cyprus
- Republic of Equatorial Guinea
- Republic of Estonia
- Republic of the Fiji Islands
- Republic of Finland
- Republic of Formosa
- Republic of the Gambia
- Republic of Ghana
- Republic of Guinea-Bissau
- Republic of Iraq
- Republic of Ivory Coast
- Republic of Kazakhstan
- Republic of Kenya
- Republic of Kiribati
- Republic of Korea
- Republic of Latvia
- Republic of Lebanon
- Republic of Liberia
- Republic of Lithuania
- Republic of Macedonia
- Republic of Madagascar
- Republic of Malaŵi
- Republic of Maldives
- Republic of Mali
- Republic of Malta
- Republic of the Marshall Islands
- Republic of Mauritius
- Republic of Moldova
- Republic of Montenegro
- Republic of Mozambique
- Republic of Namibia
- Republic of Nauru
- Republic of Nicaragua
- Republic of Niger
- Republic of Palau
- Republic of Panama
- Republic of Paraguay
- Republic of Peru
- Republic of Poland
- Republic of Rwanda
- Republic of Senegal
- Republic of Serbia
- Republic of Seychelles
- Republic of Sierra Leone
- Republic of Singapore
- Republic of Slovenia
- Republic of Somalia
- Republic of South Africa
- Republic of Suriname
- Republic of Tajikistan
- Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
- Republic of Turkey
- Republic of Turkmenistan
- Republic of Uganda
- Republic of Uzbekistan
- Republic of Vanuatu
- Republic of West Florida
- Republic of Yemen
- Republic of Zambia
- Romania
- Samoa
- Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- State of Eritrea
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Togolese Republic
- Tunisian Republic
- Ukraine
- Union of Myanmar
- United Kingdom
- United Republic of Tanzania
Democratic countries (in alphabetical order):
- Norway
- Iceland
- Sweden
- New Zealand
- Denmark
- Switzerland
- Canada
- Finland
- Australia
- Netherlands
- Luxembourg
- Ireland
- Germany
- Austria
- Malta
- UK
- Spain
- Mauritius
- Uruguay
Is The United States a Democracy or a Republic?
The United States does not fit neatly into either category. It actually has elements of both republics and democracies, making it a Democratic Republic.