Flower Closure In Crocus Discolor

Since Darwin (19th century), scientists have asked why some plants close their flowers. A lot of work has been made in order to identify cues…
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Since Darwin (19th century), scientists have asked why some plants close their flowers. A lot of work has been made in order to identify cues…
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Public and patient involvement (PPI) is key to closing the gap between research production and research use, and it is a way to achieve full…
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Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides, Amaranthaceae) is one of the more famous invasion plants in the world, colonizing in aquatic and dry terrestrial environments, and it…
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As a renewable replacement for fossil fuels, biofuels promise to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity. However, concerns have been raised about…
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The 2014-2016 outbreak of Zika virus in the Pacific region and the Americas infected millions of people and left behind a devastating legacy. Infection with…
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Ever since flowering plants appeared on Earth around the Early Cretaceous (between 130 and 90 million years ago) (1), they have evolved and diversified through…
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Do young children athletes playing sports in recreational leagues get injured or have concussions? Many people may think that young children playing sports have few…
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That the mind is comprised of distinct systems is one of the earliest and most recurring ideas in psychology. Plato claimed the psyche is comprised…
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The Neanderthals were a human population found on a vast territory that extended from the Atlantic ocean to Siberia and from England to the Near-East….
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term chronic autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system mistakenly targets the lining of the joints. Patients with…
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Mud volcanism is widely recognized as an important process in sedimentary systems where large quantities of fine-grained materials are pumped up from subsurface sources as…
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