The Science Is In: Swearing Is Good For You

Although many people may still object to the use of bad language, scientists are now saying that people who swear may be healthier than those…
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Although many people may still object to the use of bad language, scientists are now saying that people who swear may be healthier than those…
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A species of crayfish is able to clone itself, producing biologically fertile offspring just from the eggs of the mother crayfish. The crayfish has spread…
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A group of former, early employees at large Silicon Valley companies like Facebook and Google have recently created a coalition to build awareness about the…
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Borneo’s critically endangered orangutans have experienced a mass die-off over the past 16 years. Research conducted on a population of orangutans in Borneo since 1999…
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A new pill containing peanut protein could grant relief to millions of people suffering from peanut allergies in the United States. Millions of children across…
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The Mars rover Opportunity has reached a milestone. February 15, 2018, marked 5,000 sols (Martian days) that Opportunity has been on Mars when its original mission…
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As most might know, the gas giants in our solar system all have a multitude of moons and natural satellites surrounding. Saturn has a whopping…
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The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean, which accounts for an incredible 50 percent of all of Earth’s water by volume. Our…
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Bill Gates recently opined on Reddit that genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are perfectly safe and in fact a necessary tool for fighting malnutrition and…
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Ferrous metals by definition contain iron in them whereas non-ferrous metals do not contain iron. The word iron is derived from the Latin word ferrum,…
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You can calculate a percentage easily by just using a few different tricks, the most common way is to divide the smaller number by the…
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