How Long Does It Take To Get To Mars?

It takes between 210 and 300 days to get to Mars traveling at a normal speed, dependent on the orbital distance from Earth to Mars….
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It takes between 210 and 300 days to get to Mars traveling at a normal speed, dependent on the orbital distance from Earth to Mars….
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Yes, Jupiter has 4 sets of rings made up of dust and small pieces of rocks. Jupiters 4 rings are the halo ring, main ring,…
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An incredibly rare event will occur on this January 31. The end of the month will see a lunar eclipse happen during a blue moon….
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The planets in order from the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and finally the dwarf planet Pluto. Most people have at…
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An easy trick to remember what moon phase the moon is in on any given night is the mnemonic DOC. DOC, (or COD if you’re…
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We all know that gravity is different on Mars versus the moon versus the Earth. The gravity on Mars is 3.711 m/s², which is just 38 percent…
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The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus with an average temperature of 864 degrees Fahrenheit or 462 degrees Celsius. The coldest planet in the…
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“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” – Arthur C. Clarke Ever since humans…
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A new study claims that everyone’s favorite tiny planet, Pluto, should have never been classified as a dwarf planet over a decade ago. As many…
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Tuesday marked the 17th anniversary of September 11th, one of the darkest days in American history when terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes and flew them into…
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Driven by the desire for the understanding that a mere glimpse into the vast and luminous universe can yield, billions of dollars have been spent…
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