The Nitrogen Ice Activity On Pluto Explored With Numerical Modeling

Numerical modeling of the nitrogen cycle on Pluto explains the distribution, color, geology, and morphology of the different nitrogen ice deposits observed. On July 14,…
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Numerical modeling of the nitrogen cycle on Pluto explains the distribution, color, geology, and morphology of the different nitrogen ice deposits observed. On July 14,…
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The advent of newspace and commercial space (SpaceX, Blue Origin, etc.) in the early 2000s has brought about the resurgence of the decades-old concept of…
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Among the asteroids, small worlds orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, we find those genetically related to each other. They are members of the…
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The moon is considered to have experienced a magma ocean, with whole-body melting. Differentiation and crystallization of the melt formed today’s crustal Moon. Major elemental…
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Our solar system contains a myriad of bodies with sizes ranging from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers. We call them asteroids. The most numerous…
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Many mid-latitude impact craters on Mars are filled to variable degrees with a combination of ice, dust, and rocky debris. Ring-shaped surface features visible in…
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Life as we know it is based on water and organic compounds. Studying how water and organics form, evolve and move within our Solar System…
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The nature of many of the rocks and materials on the surface of Mars remains mysterious. Volcanism has played an important role in forming many…
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Determining the ages of planetary surfaces and events is no easy task. Surfaces are often layered in deposits from more recent activity. This fact is…
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The icy satellites of the outer solar system pose numerous puzzles, one of which is sometimes referred to as the Mimas-Enceladus paradox (e.g., Czechowski &…
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Photographs of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko show its unexpected shape: two ellipsoidal blocks called the Head and Body, connected by a “neck.” On the…
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