Many Roads Lead To Rome: Phenotypes In Autism And Trait Severity

Most behavioral phenotypes (e.g. melancholic, aggressive, anxious, fearful, or autistic) are quantifiable. A person can have a very mild, an intermediate, or a very severe…
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Most behavioral phenotypes (e.g. melancholic, aggressive, anxious, fearful, or autistic) are quantifiable. A person can have a very mild, an intermediate, or a very severe…
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Living cells rely on the transmembrane difference of electrochemical potential to store the energy needed for their biochemical reactions. Membrane potential is generated by respiratory…
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Immunotherapy with checkpoint blockade has revolutionized cancer treatment in the last decade. With the initial FDA approval of CTLA-4 blockade with ipilimumab in 2011 followed…
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While no one wants to receive a cancer diagnosis, a number of treatments are now available, making the likelihood of a favorable outcome better than…
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In recent years, the study of human immunology has been fostered by the development and rapid advances of high throughput technologies used to profile genetic,…
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The cornea is a transparent window inside the body. It transmits light into the eye and helps focus it onto the retina. The corneal endothelium…
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Basement membranes likely modulate fibrosis triggered by diverse injuries in many tissues such as lung, skin, and kidney by modulating the availability and function of…
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Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is one of the most prevalent human viruses, with around a 70% infection rate in the human population. HSV-1…
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What would you do if you knew of a treatment that would improve your acutely ill inpatient’s immune function, lean muscle mass, wound healing, functional…
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Not only does the level of blood pressure reveal something about one’s own health risk, but so do its fluctuations. It has to do with…
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Traditionally, medicine has been based on the disease and not the patient. This means that for the same disease, e.g. childhood leukemia, two very different…
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