Bias In Brazil’s Conservation Efforts

Setting aside land for nature conservation is a strategy that dates back centuries ago. During the 20th and 21st centuries, the number and extent of…
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Setting aside land for nature conservation is a strategy that dates back centuries ago. During the 20th and 21st centuries, the number and extent of…
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One of the biggest mysteries concerning the origin of many recent volcanic ash deposits in NW Argentina has been solved. New data and interpretation about…
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About 10,000 years ago, light-colored quartz began depositing in what would become modern-day Nebraska, eventually forming sand dunes covering an area of over 50,000 square…
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Climate change and the runoff of nutrients or pollutants greatly affects the equilibrium of natural microbial communities and compromises ecosystems’ environmental status. In order to…
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Introduction Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical tool that allows the visualization of the shallow subsurface (1-70 m deep) in relatively high resolution (from cm-scale…
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Since Darwin (19th century), scientists have asked why some plants close their flowers. A lot of work has been made in order to identify cues…
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Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides, Amaranthaceae) is one of the more famous invasion plants in the world, colonizing in aquatic and dry terrestrial environments, and it…
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As a renewable replacement for fossil fuels, biofuels promise to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity. However, concerns have been raised about…
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Ever since flowering plants appeared on Earth around the Early Cretaceous (between 130 and 90 million years ago) (1), they have evolved and diversified through…
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The Neanderthals were a human population found on a vast territory that extended from the Atlantic ocean to Siberia and from England to the Near-East….
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Mud volcanism is widely recognized as an important process in sedimentary systems where large quantities of fine-grained materials are pumped up from subsurface sources as…
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