The Cost Of Cohesion: Social Foragers Sacrifice Diet Quality To Stay Together

Group-living has evolved many times across a very broad range of animal taxa – from swarms of bees to herds of elephants, and even human…
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Group-living has evolved many times across a very broad range of animal taxa – from swarms of bees to herds of elephants, and even human…
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Many people find it hard to believe that the small, backyard birds encountered during particular seasons travel thousands of kilometers between temperate breeding grounds and…
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The search for fast, secure, and reliable solutions intensifies the use of computational tools to support the decision-making process and, in many cases, operational research…
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Almost six billion people around the world, mostly in the developing countries, are struggling every day to get a sufficient amount of non-hazardous water for…
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Many coastal watersheds have suffered from decades of urbanization which has diverted stormwater, carrying nutrient pollution, into coastal ocean waters. The influence of land-based runoff…
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When drugs or devices enter the market, we want to be sure that there is effective, rapid post-market surveillance of adverse events in order to…
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Modern general anesthesia was successfully used only one hundred and sixty years ago, but nowadays we can’t imagine surgery operations without it. From the wide…
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Ancient humans have long used pottery as their main containers for storing food and as a cooking device even before the Neolithic period. These potteries…
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Industrial biotechnology aims to use bioprocessing of sustainable agriculture products, such as starch, fatty acids and/or cellulose, to produce bulk chemicals including polymeric materials and…
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Why do some people get a grip on chronic pain while others continue to suffer for years? A twin study now provides possible explanations. The…
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Whole genome sequencing (also known as WGS) is the process of determining the complete DNA sequence of an organism’s genome at a single time. This…
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