Electronegativity Chart

The electronegativity chart describes how atoms can attract a pair of electrons to itself, by looking at the periodic table you can identify and determine…
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The electronegativity chart describes how atoms can attract a pair of electrons to itself, by looking at the periodic table you can identify and determine…
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For now, there are trillion galaxies to be observed. These galaxies are classified into the spiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy, and irregular galaxy by their morphology….
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The world has changed drastically from the beginning of the industrial revolution to now. We have advanced at an accelerating pace and developed many different technologies,…
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Back in 1996, researchers at the Roslin Institute used the process of nuclear transfer to clone a sheep. Dolly the sheep was the first mammal…
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The next Mars lander, InSight, is currently preparing for its upcoming launch in May by deploying its solar panels inside Lockheed Martin’s lab in Colorado. With…
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In 1934, Baas Becking had already anticipated the fundamental role played by environmental conditions in shaping microbial communities, by stating that: “Everything is everywhere, but,…
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Accurate visualization is critical for cancer surgery. A large portion of the Oncologic surgeon’s task is distinguishing normal tissue from cancer. The goal is to…
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The solar corona is an outer and energetic layer of the Sun’s atmosphere, which contains many mysteries within itself. Therefore, every total solar eclipse becomes…
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Cacti are beautiful plants. They belong to family Cactaceae and have a unique morphology. Their cladodes (the “stem” of the plants) and spines, as well…
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Nowadays, the association between engineering and biomedicine has increased, providing innumerable biomaterials for uncountable applications. And, why not consider these materials as a step to…
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Mucin is released by mucous and goblet cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Production starts before birth, and a complete mucus layer has already developed shortly…
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