Solving Mass Transportation Problems Using Liouville Equations

Transporting objects and moving from one place to another occurs in everyday life. We can observe it at all scales: molecules are transported inside cells;…
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Transporting objects and moving from one place to another occurs in everyday life. We can observe it at all scales: molecules are transported inside cells;…
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The reason firetrucks are red is not entirely certain, there are claims that firetrucks are red because red paint was the cheapest color and early…
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Degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease are not only difficult to treat, they are difficult to detect. A team of scientists has recently developed a…
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Sharks do not have bones; instead, they have cartilage that makes up their skeleton. Sharks make some bone material for their teeth and fin spines…
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Metastasis of cancer cells to bone is common in patients suffering from advanced stages of cancers that originate in distant organs such as breast, prostate,…
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One might probably associate rodents, particularly mice and rats, with sewers, cargoes, ships, or perhaps with an exceptional “French chef” or a friendly “Stuart”. Besides,…
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Quantum mechanics is certainly one the most puzzling branches of physics. While a mathematical formalism that describes quantum mechanics is well known since almost one…
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Unprecedented numbers of women have been deployed to combat zones in Iraq/Afghanistan following 9/11 and servicewomen now comprise approximately 16% of United States active duty…
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Organic luminescent solid materials have attracted a great deal of attention from the scientific community and the industry due to their benefits of a flexible…
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Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, sometimes called Sodium bicarbonate, and commonly known as baking soda is a common chemical compound with a variety of useful applications. The…
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One of the most immediate effects of Global Warming is its negative impact on life in the poles. Carnivores, particularly polar bears, are going hungry…
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