A New Method Of Thujone Determination In Natural Products

Thujone is hallucinogenic cyclic monoterpenoid which occurs naturally in the form of two isomers: the less common (-)-α-thujone and the more popular (+)-β-thujone, also known…
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Thujone is hallucinogenic cyclic monoterpenoid which occurs naturally in the form of two isomers: the less common (-)-α-thujone and the more popular (+)-β-thujone, also known…
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Passive antibody therapy (PAT) is highly effective for the immediate treatment of a variety of pathological conditions. In the case of snake bites, PAT has…
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Many types of research indicate that exposure to noise pollution can induce negative effects on human health: cardiovascular diseases, sleep disturbances, psychological disorders, negative effects…
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Advances in nanotechnology have provided acoustic researchers with a number of new materials, with features such as nanofibers and nanopores, that can potentially be implemented…
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Freshwater availability is limited. During many periods of the year and in many places around the world, the demand for freshwater for human use exceeds…
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The velocity of oscillatory flows resulting from nearshore short waves usually become skewed with peaked narrow flow crest and flat wide flow troughs in wave…
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Carbon-carbon single bonds are one of the most important bonds in natural/artificial organic molecules and materials. Generally, they are regarded as being strong, irreversible, and…
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Is it our genome that determines who we are, or is it our environment? This question has occupied science more since Darwin’s time. Early geneticists…
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Bill Gates recently opined on Reddit that genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are perfectly safe and in fact a necessary tool for fighting malnutrition and…
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Tattoos may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but they have been part of many cultures for thousands of years. But how old are tattoos?…
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Chile is well known as a volcanic country with a huge variety of pristine and extreme environments. Chilean extreme environments, such as deserts (the Atacama…
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